Another Choice

The foundation

Unity is a fact.

The essential Fact.

Without essential Unity this universe – as any universe – could not exist.

Without essential unity there could be no cohesion, no harmony, no balance and no progression.

Unity is the foundation of all that is.

And the Goal.

It is by the separation that we are unconscious of it.

And it is by separation – temporary, provisional, exterior and relative – that we stand prisoners of illusion, alienated from the One Source, projected into our separate, mortal parallel creations.


But today, what is happening?

Humanity is placed before its unity: it can no longer escape it.

It is no more just an “ideal”, but the very law of consciousness that is imposing itself.


It is to me that this happens, that all this happens.

This is me, the beaten child, the lapidated woman, this is me the alpinist falling, the shipwrecked exhausted and drowning, the eviscerated soldier, this is me, the surviving mother.

At each instant, here or there, this is me.


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