Another Choice
“As long as death is there, all ends badly” (The Mother)
Even though for many of us almost one’s entire lifetime passes without one ever being confronted or exposed to the brutal and physical fact of death, while very many others among us must live with it from one’s early years, this circumstantial ignorance is in no way accompanied by any sort of liberation from death’ absolute hold, but , instead, by an acceptance of its determinism= we come into the world, we grow up and develop, we reach a relative equilibrium and then we decline and dim as so many ephemeral lamps. It hardly ever comes to mind to question this final order; and even if some sort of jolt of lucidity insisted on it, we know it is fruitless – merely a distraction, more or less intelligent, but of no possible consequence whatsoever in the course of things. As for wanting to modify in any fashion the given sequence of the biological stages of human physical existence, fate or chance do often enough and with enough drama take it upon themselves to disrupt and jostle and interfere, without ever any occurrence to suggest any other boundary than that of the death of the body.
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