Another Choice
The more we rely on the presence and action of the inner axis and the more are loosened and lessened the grips and holds of the mental and vital activities which engage us in the general human condition.
And our grasp of all things undergoes a conversion which situates us in a fundamentally different perspective.
Be it our jarring loud and noisy festivities or our multiple violence, our arrogance, our inflicted or borne suffering, our successes as well as our routs, everything or almost everything we encounter or manifest now appears factitious, fabricated or perverted. For it all is a discordant jumble and tussle and hurtful vying and racing and pretending when, we know this now, all ought to know and to love: discover one another, know one another, and love one another infinitely.
Because one has glimpsed it, because one has experienced this fiery reunion of the new birth, one is now constantly in search of the silent flame deep in the eyes, of the mutual and each time unique recognition, of the wave of meaning in each gesture, of the progressive self-giving that fills existences. And one now wants to tell this child: do not ever lose the thread, do not ever turn away from the grace, but call her around you and learn from her alone what is needed for your meeting with the world.
Never lower yourself, never bow down before death.
One is in search: no longer of oneself, but of the true world, of this Earth that must be.
These hard flashes, these brilliances that conceal black holes and absences, this perpetual competing contention, these seductions and negotiations everywhere and this parceling and
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