Another Choice
But once the awakening of the ego to the reality of the inner being has taken place and the axis of the inner work has activated, we enter the path of the yoga of the earth and take up our part therein, however minimal, of the change that must be accomplished.
For the physical consciousness itself to open and unite to the truth-consciousness, as we have seen, a formidable sifting is indispensable: the very life of the body must be freed from the weight of the subconscient and the mental functioning must be unburdened from its automatisms and habits.
Each element must meet consciousness.
Our aim as of now is to become able to offer to the true consciousness a mental instrument, a will, an emotional scale and a physical body that are unbound from attachment and separateness as from all fear of death and all subconscious heaviness, so that the transfer may begin. However, as we extirpate ourselves from the gaol of the ego – or as its walls in large portions collapse or dissolve here and there -, the immense presence of the world trains us, perhaps not too kindly, in the business of unity. And we now understand that this condition of loving plenitude calling and awaiting us ahead on the evolutionary road, will only progressively incarnate in a terrestrial milieu that must be relatively rid of its most destructive contradictions.
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