Another Choice

Essential simplicity

Prisoners of a diminished reality, we covet the Mysteries.

The poisoned food of secret or esoteric myths has effectively kept us under the restricting and reductive sway of death.

But Consciousness is Vast and True and always, inalienably Right.

One and illimitable, a heart simply offered is more apt to receive and serve it than a great Initiate burdened with knowledge and self-importance.


What power could be more desirable than the power of being?

What realization would ever be more fecund than the realization of ever-progressive Plenitude?

We learn it through all the hazards of this physical existence, with growing clarity, as evident as the flower that blooms: there is no other goal but that of incarnate Plenitude.

To be at last, where nothing is lacking or missing and consciousness is innumerably ever discovering itself.


A plethora of models today assails us: parallel or alternate realities, occult domains serving as mirrors, extra-terrestrials, ideal representations yet spoilt and treacherous with our own atavisms, images of superhuman beings who yet continue to want and will, perfected types that yet remain separate – our imagination is bound by ego and death and can but reproduce them indefinitely. This faculty of imagination on which we pride ourselves draws its sources in those planes of existence which have so far taken part in the evolution – too often to the detriment of terrestrial humanity.


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