Another Choice

Proportions and measures

By the fact of separation, we are trained and habituated to measure everything according to pluses and minuses.

Our egos are constantly competing, would it only be with their own image.

Thus our physical, emotional and mental constitution renders us incapable of truly comprehending the identity of a water-drop with the river and the ocean.

Yet Consciousness IS: whether in this form or that, it IS.

The words Vivekananda uttered in 1893 in Chicago continue to resound and remain a reference for all: Vivekananda was not a recognized guru, but a passionate disciple of Sri Ramakrishna whom many consider to be an Avatar – a direct incarnation of the divine consciousness.

How could one evaluate the “quantity” of consciousness in one or the other, or the range and scope of its action through the one or the other?

The inner being recognizes directly, without the help of any words or of any other proof or external signs, one’s brother, one’s elder, one’s lord: the inner being knows directly who is there and where in the eternal hierarchy stands the Person one has met.

For each awakened inner individuality is a child of the one consciousness and a member of an infinite Family.

And when one finds oneself in the presence of the Ancients of the evolution, those who step by step open the ways of the true future, one knows, more surely than one has ever known anything, Who They Are and of which Love They bear the rays.


The rhythms of the earth continue to accelerate.

Knowledge and experience is diffused in all directions.


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