Another Choice
All the known states of consciousness seem to yield before it, to succumb to its persuasion, to relinquish earth and the world to it and to accept its terms.
Surely, advanced scientific research is clearing a path into the constitution of the cells and of the atoms and try to reassure us by promising the means of prolonging corporeal existence and considerably improving its quality, or of artificially extending our sense of being.
And thus, it would seem, our aim would be to perpetuate ourselves as we are.
When shall we at last be ashamed of our misdeeds?
By the grace of this inner axis, which gradually appears to take responsibility for our entire life, one can as it were breathe a reality at once vaster and more concrete.
It is almost like a channel or a duct linking one to everyone’s true home.
This presence in us, almost this parent, this living True, which is purely aware of the essential divinity central everywhere, we now understand is to a more or less developed degree lodged within all that is, immanent to all that is. And if, so far, it only rises more perceptibly in a natural harmony than in most of human scenes, it is yet, necessarily and however minimal its proportion, active in everything and everyone, in absolutely everything that inhabits the earth.
It is in each being as an invisible element, invisible yet indispensable to the cohesion of the whole as of the atom.
In the human being, this element progressively awakens and becomes individualized behind the surface experience and the temporary ego: this element, free of death and conscious of the Real, escapes from the limits of our three dimensions although it informs them with its subtler action.
This element exists in the True, by the True, for the True.
Neither death nor any power can deceive or mislead it.
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