Another Choice

The chains of choice

Observing the world, from near and far, examining the nature of each of the crises that shake and traverse it whether local or more general, contemplating the problems that confront humanity today – in the limpid and tranquil clarity of the inner gaze -, it becomes possible to grasp a sort of negative solidarity. Thus, problems which used to rationally appear as of different orders – and we have with indefatigable and ingenious skill named the categories, families and classes wherein to situate each and any of these knots to be solved -, reveal themselves, to more attentive scrutiny, to be intimately bound and contiguous. We nowadays dispose of a whole vocabulary for our ills, aches and wounds, just as we think we command a whole armada of proven methods to try and treat them through the defining of their causes – we thus have demography and economy and sociology, ethnology and psychology and political science and such “controlled appellations” for us to approach the supposed terrains of these miseries, if not conquer them. But now it seems to us that a sort of “interdisciplinary” vehicle would be needed to direct and move this beam of consciousness throughout our human experience, instead of relying on those fallible instruments which themselves are largely responsible for this very condition.

Perhaps there is an interrogation, a questioning which could vibrate equally in all these domains and awaken them to another necessity?


By the action of the consciousness-force a great truth, common and constant and omnipresent, appears to us now, through the entire weave of our humanity: this truth is that each and every misery is the effect of anterior choices.

Not only so in our personal and “karmic” experience, but everywhere and at every point of the collective experience of the human being.


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