Another Choice

So long as the ego element is not entirely dissolved, its mode absorbed, its habit undone, into the living consciousness of unity, personal effort remains indispensable: the sacrifice, in the sense of the offering of all our movements, our entire being, and the whole of our physical consciousness must be conducted in the instants and the very fabric of material existence.


The desire to possess or to be possessed can only be animated through the separation: how would one want to own what is oneself inalienably?

Thus, as long as we believe we can benefit from this state of separateness for our personal development, we remain susceptible to possession – wanting to own or wanting to belong.

Each of us can observe, when the ray of an inner discernment begins to operate in the folds and recesses of our nature, the holds and sways we are still subjected to.

Each of us will thus be able to identify such or such obsession – such particular “need” to which one returns as if to a magnet, whatever may be one’s discipline, and which indicates the grip of a parasite force. Where these grips are placed in our physical consciousness are the breaches that expose us and render us vulnerable, compromising the integrity of the human person and opening it to the attacks.

The power of this parasitism is immediate and it outwits all our moral practices and our austerities.

These energies easily mock our ethical or spiritual ambitions, for they can instantly pull us back to the state of creature.

We are toys and puppets in their currents and eddies the puissance and amplitude of which attain other measures.



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