Another Choice
What do we really know?
So, here it is.
First and foremost, we are physical creatures and our certitudes are, first and foremost, physical.
What we know physically, we do know with certainty.
It is about real facts, which suffer no exception.
The object I hold tight in my hand, if I open my hand and let this object loose, I do know that it will fall, that it can but fall.
It is a physical knowing.
My body knows this law of gravity, one of the laws that rule the behavior of physical bodies and objects in the earth atmosphere.
And if one explains to me that this law ceases to operate away from the earth atmosphere, where weightlessness reigns, my body not only can understand it but it is able to know it and almost to experience it.
But, among all these physical knowings, amidst these bodily certainties, there is one that dominates all others as far as we are concerned.
It is that of our individual physical disappearance – each living human body is going to die.
While the body may situate itself in relation to the various laws that govern the physical atmosphere of the earth, it has no way, no margin and no choice in the face of its own end, of its own cessation, which are effectuated by a force over which it can exert no control and no influence.
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