Another Choice

How to awaken to the inner sense of choice?

Some affirm that the very notion of choice – that there could be any possibility of individual choice – is sheer illusion, since a force superior to all of our acts and wants, here named “destiny” or there “fatality”, is actually deciding of everything.

Perhaps so.

But is there not, above this law of fate, a greater Force of consciousness?

Whether it is a practical choice or an emotional, intellectual or moral one, our criteria are so limited and our comprehension of reality is so truncated and partial that we can only doubt the rightness of our decisions. We possess neither the knowledge nor the vision of the consequences and repercussions of our choices, we are even most times unable to determine which of our possible choices would have the most beneficial effects for the largest number – which might already be a more honorable criterion than that of our exclusive satisfaction. Yet, when it is a matter of authorizing or not the expression of an urge, a desire or an impulse, as when it is a matter of gathering and tuning the energies so as to consolidate and cultivate one’s engagement in an action or a service that surpass on all sides our personal existence, the terms of the choice become a little more intimate and significant. And when it is a matter of strengthening, encouraging and sustaining a living aspiration for progress and conscious development, then the very quality of the choice seems greatened by it until it embraces in its movement forward all of the lesser choices existence presents to us.

As if, once the central flame has been lit up, a response of a similar fire is induced in every circumstance, like the indication of the way to follow.

We then become aware of another source of discernment and of choice.



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