Another Choice

Perhaps when one has done with the ultimate attachment, that of personal salvation, does one return to the position of servitor.

The being who, serving, grows in consciousness and becomes.

For, when all is said, the great Question remains.

Why existence, if it is only for this incorrigible mixture, till destruction?

Why this world, if it is to perpetually extend and prolong this “I”, “you”, “them”, with no other issue than death and repetition under different variations?

Why this humanity, if it is to learn nothing, if it is to perpetuate suffering on and on, or to damage and abuse and degrade and ruin the gifts of the earth?


However it must be said, the work in the body, in matter, is ingrate and inglorious.

It is therefore indispensable to be liberated from any sort of ambition, or desire for personal accomplishment – and to find in the Presence all that is necessary in order to continue serving and giving of oneself, in matter, with matter, so that the living truth of tomorrow may be revealed.



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