Another Choice
Body and soul
It does seem as if in the terrestrial evolution the mental forces have appeared after the vital forces and thus we tend to consider the status of the mental human being as superior to that of the merely vital human being.
However it is easier for the vital force to dominate thought and intelligence than for the reason to dominate life.
And neither our vital parts nor our mental parts are immune to corruption, contamination, pollution and poisoning, or to all sorts of contrary influences, whatever their subtlety.
We are polluted from below, from underneath, by the subconscient and its magma of buried memories, we are polluted from above the ground by all the interests wanting to exploit, possess, profit, reign and control.
Our very body is subjected to disharmony because it is slave to the vital and mental energies that use our ego as a vehicle and an operations post.
And the entire human species has today become the polluting agent of the Earth.
A very great force of character is needed so as to ward off all pollution, either suffered or emitted, and then there still remains the twist of the ego.
What can the term “purity” signify for a human being?
The absence of any duplicity and any contradiction, transparency, the unity of the person, the permanence of self-giving?
Such as we are, we can never fully and wholly purify ourselves.
One must first find the incorruptible element by which and around which to center and unify oneself.
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