Another Choice
The intention of this essay
In the course of this essay, the phenomenon and the fact of death will be presented as the evolutionary barrier we must now cross. (1)
To dwell at such length on this regrettable state of affairs, however much it is part of nature with which we all must learn to make peace, may appear as a morbid complacency; here is not the case. On the contrary, it is to show how much this fact of death determines all of our choices, our needs and our instincts, our expectations and our hopes: how much the certainty of death is lodged upstream from all our decisions.
Thus, not only do we all die, but almost all of our choices and our actions are so determined and conditioned by this certainty that, the more we search for remedies and escapes and the more we are the hostages of death.
And in this condition, all our solutions seem but to multiply its destructive power in the material world.
Then one will try to get a sense of the changes which would take place in us if we would become capable of anchoring into a concrete continuity of conscious existence in the presence of which death would lose its supremacy, would in effect be de-realized, for its absoluteness would be undone by a new relativity. (2)
What would then be our priorities, our values, our necessities…?
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