Another Choice

And thus one turns – it needs courage, at times – to the Force, one does this movement of presenting the twist in Its immobile current = like a white-hot iron, the Pressure cauterizes and this tearing and burning bear the qualities of a thankful ecstasy.

The nectar nourishes one’s progress.


From this axis, from this Trinity, there reaches us – reaches our instrumental nature, diminished or altered on its way – this other knowledge: it is like too large and too noble a bird to enter the enclosure of our thought, it needs infinite space, it needs the joy of being forever, it needs adventure beyond all memories, this adventure that discovers truth at every instant, that learns to better love with each movement.

It cannot conform to death, nor to these limitations that our human condition imposes on the experience of the material world.

It can in no way subscribe to our compromises with the truth of existence, nor ever justify them.

This other knowledge – which no philosophy can shut in – emanates like a sense, a perception, a knowing and an emotion all at once: it emanates in us from the inner axis, from above or through the heart or through the body, it emanates from the fourth dimension into our still recalcitrant, skeptical and bound physical consciousness, to work in it.

This knowledge is concerned with progress, with progressive perfection, the progressive expression of the truth of all beings, forces, movements, things.

And it knows, absolutely, that death will have to disappear.



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