A next step

hands: the need, the hunger, the calming satiety, the sleep, the cycles, alternations and returns.

The rhythms, the cadences, the multitude of sounds and resonances, the hot, the warm and the cold, the rigid and the malleable, endlessly fill up the world. Soon it is the entire immediate environment that demands, stimulates, indicates and sanctions the responses of the organism and their development. In other ways simultaneously, the emotional environment begins to manifest: accords and discords, intensities of divers characters make themselves familiar along with their imprints and traces. Then, from the near to the far, from the intimate to the strange, superimposed or mingling and interacting, these environments reveal themselves as located, situated and particular within a much vaster milieu which one must begin to learn and navigate.

It is thereafter that, from circumstantial conditionings already determining a complex range of responses, defenses and positionings, one must now approach and meet with the influences of intentional conditionings, beginning with education.


But beyond or behind it all, what are the intrinsic and independent resources each unique being is provided with, at the edge of this unavoidable process of individualization and definition as a singular person?


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