A next step

Unavoidable conditionings

Even before being born to this world, while our living body and organism lie still in pre-formation, the founding conditions, either transmitted or inherited, of our physical existence are silently gathering – and ineluctably -, these conditions that fix our constitution, morphology, sex, color, appearance, our biological seasons, some of our corporeal vulnerabilities and aptitudes, some of our psychological traits and, even more fundamentally, our absolute subjection to death. And even while this first conditioning, which will largely determine our behavioral propensities, is inscribing itself within our genes during the gestation, the actual “birth” of the physical body is the first external conditioning. It is the sudden and brutal encounter with the conditions of existence within the material universe and, in our case, those that govern human life upon earth. And so, before this happens, there is a milieu – one is carried, contained, immersed in it: it is the nourishing amnios, a protected suspension between the other dimensions and those here of space-time; it is the gestation of the potential body, the formation and setting into place, the live aggregation and assembly of all the constituent elements in their complementary and cooperative relationships. One is still nestled, in there. It is the soft velvety workshop wherein together busy themselves the knowledges and powers that sustain the universes.

Then, one is “delivered”, brought or thrown or laid into this world.

The pressure of the air, the space, the distances and the movement, the solidity and the weight of the bodies and objects, the degrees of the light, the textures of the touch, the functions – the nipple, the two nipples, the two


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