A next step
deadline is fast approaching of a planetary disaster in terms of ecology, energy and economy.
Or perhaps it is all a matter of the intensification of all the resistances to the advent of another perception and another State of the incarnating Consciousness?
It is thus and therefore a matter of these processes and mechanisms we term as “conditionings”, whether they be inflicted o r wanted, withstood and endured or deliberate, ineluctable or arbitrarily imposed. But is there, in any of us human beings, any part or any element that is not subjected to or determined by one conditioning or another? Whoever reflects upon and examines for a moment the nature and origin of one’s own responses to any given event or situation, will inevitably realize that they are determined and conditioned – they are not free: we all are predisposed to certain judgments and interpretations by our acquired notions, our respective journey, our cultural, social, religious, political racial upbringing and grounding, our emotional past, our immediate personal position, our fears and desires.
We are thus incapable of real impartiality or of direct and actual comprehension of whatever we happen to be the witnesses of.
And we are thus incapable of perceiving and seeing: we must thereby scrutinize and analyze and consult divers versions and accounts of the same event, try and take a little distance and open to other points of view in order to have some chance of accessing the unique actuality of the concerned event.
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