A next step

And today, this day of the year 2020 upon this earth, there has indeed been a halt – there has come a break in almost all our activities which no one could have thought possible to orchestrate…!

That fear had to be the means of persuasion, a fear instilled from top down, from the elites to the masses, is after all but “natural”: has not the time also come to confront our terror before death?

Thus it is for each and all of us to shake off the hypnotisms that keep us nailed, despite our most brilliant thoughts, our most eloquent works and our most masterly accomplishments.

It is for each of us to see, hear, touch and feel what Earth and its Nature are telling us: it is time to grow up and become worthy of the Grace.

We need to let go, to prepare to collaborate and let ourselves be guided and moved by the Consciousness that truly knows and loves truly.


Evidently we are not all equally aware of our “inner” being; it would thus seem that we cannot all give ourselves to this work of transition and crossing over. However it is not “us” that can really do anything at al l for the destiny of this world , however equipped or “spiritually” developed we may believe ourselves to be: it is the Consciousness that can, it is the next step, the next State, the State to come, that is little by little founding itself in Matter or


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