A next step

There is nothing to fear other than leaving this world without having found one’s consciousness.

We know nothing, can nothing: the whole Earth cries it to us al.

Here are the results of an evolution under the aegis and the rule of the mind and its mate, the vital – the intelligence and the life-force -: the principle of the mind has been our guide and our foundation and we have by it grown and learnt. We know no space that is not inhabited, organized, issued or generated by the mind and today, yes indeed, here are the results – great progress and still greater damage. The contradiction that is inherent to the principle of duality is today reaching its ultimate possibility: another principle is now to take over, a principle which we can serve only by becoming conscious: free of the mind, ready to give ourselves unreservedly.


It is no use yielding to fear – fear of what? Of calamities, of sufferings, for oneself, for others? These can only be momentary events, passing phenomena, which do not affect consciousness.

Consciousness remains – ever remains.

Let us strive already to be kind and good willed and benevolent towards all while centering in this need of the consciousness that alone can bring us


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