A next step

The right to question

It would evidently be preferable, from the perspective of the consciousness in progress, that each and all of us do ask themselves a number of questions , each in one’s own ways and terms.

The most obvious question of all, almost the grossest, is this: at the risk of ruining innumerable human lives and to repel and throw back into extreme poverty large swathes of the population, of downing and collapsing world economy and demolishing millions of projects and enterprises, the authorities and governments of the day have shown themselves willing and ready to paralyze most movements for an indefinite period of time, whatever be the consequences, under the single threat of a “new” viral disease that could well decimate an approximate number of the members of our valiant and valorous species… And yet, all along these past few decades during which we could all of us observe, watch and document the noxious, toxic, destructive effects on all living species and on the entire terrestrial environment of the blind and selfish mode of development to which a particular elite has chosen to bind and subjugate the whole of humankind, thereby precipitating this entire physical world to irreversible disaster, these same authorities and governments were satisfied with obfuscation, procrastination and compromise.

Nevertheless did they not just demonstrate that it is indeed possible to take such radical measures as to cause the rapid decrease of the various pollutions for which everyone of us is directly or indirectly responsible, and thus to serve a future of equilibrium and harmony for the entire biosph ere…?!


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