A next step
they are with those means of surveillance and control as are already available to them.
The instructions that are being dispensed, distributed, propagated, relentlessly rehashed till idiocy, are not to be appealed, they stand beyond objection: protective gestures, physical distancing, wearing of a mask, sanitizing of the hands whenever they have been in contact with surfaces touched – contaminated – by others. But are these measures well and thoroughly reasoned out, legitimate, justified, and understood as such by everyone, or are they gestures or acts of superstition, semi-magical acts? Or are they perhaps meant, like pledges, to express and consummate our fully accepted subordination and obedience?
After several months of enforced confinement, the mental formation that was initially projected into the terrestrial atmosphere has augmented its effectiveness; this formation stipulates that human organisms are no longer capable of defending themselves and that the earth environment has become hostile to them: they have become exposed to “new” viruses, at the mercy of new parasitic viral particles which science must now identify so as to invent or fabricate new shields or protections. And in the meantime and until they succeed, it is imperative that we all respect the directives that are issued, formulated and imposed “for our common good”.
But the rooting down of this formation into the human physical consciousness actually increases the susceptibility and vulnerability of the “good citizens” and their propensity to submit to and rely on some vague
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