A Tale for Tomorrow

and I willed to turn, like the wandering saints we often encountered on the road, towards an extra-human wisdom; yet at the same time and since I was very small, I used to feel, in a place I could not exactly localise, perhaps in my heart, but not the physical heart, like a force that knows and loves and points the way, in everything and for everything, if only I would take the trouble to stop and listen; it was „by chance‟ - so one says – that I later met with a number of persons who worked in different regions of the world affected by wars and conflicts, or even „natural‟ disasters, to aid and assist the populations to regain and re-establish harmony and all that I had learned now allowed and enabled me to work with people who had been dispossessed, or abandoned or even mutilated, so they could physically acquire a way of progress and forward expression, a way of inner trust; at times it was so harsh and rough that despair was as if ready to swallow me, but then I would come out of it within, right into the immediacy of the true consciousness that knows and all became calm and courage returned to me, and adherence to the task; but I never ever spoke about it, why is it so I do not quite know, it is perhaps neither necessary nor useful, since it is That which truly acts in all what we do…” And here finally is what Nat can tell us: “The family I was born in had crossed origins, whereby two great cultures had learned to accommodate and live with one another over several generations and right away it allowed me to appreciate the vast complexity of our humanity and its deep currents nourishing its roots; each person, by this mutual all-round acceptance, could draw from


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