A Tale for Tomorrow
or else the cowardice, the boasting and the little lies, I was like paralysed, what is all this?; particularly when I was witness to the misery such brats could push and corner into those who were a little handicapped or slower or heavier or less well-endowed than the others, and these bodies that were lacking something the others possessed effortlessly, I felt their distress; little by little I chose to apply myself to try and remedy practically to these lacks; there was this need in me to return to each body its innate and rightful dignity, whatever its condition may be; for I felt that each body has the right and the possibility to link up, as if vertically, to a greatness above, a greatness of existence before which all our airs and posturing made me ashamed; and so I went about learning to create aids, instruments, objects that would, according to the needs of each body, allow it to progress, harmonize, strengthen and unify, and always I go back in to a certain position inside my body, which is free of the dimensions and where I receive help, like some current of invisible light, and I do believe that every body, every individual physical person who respects the body, can also find this same position..." And Chardon now: “There I am, rather the feisty type, it is not that I look for quarrels, but there are two things that I find so ugly that one should never allow them to happen and take more room than they already have everywhere; in every place I see them at work, how can one possibly continue to justify them, it is for me incomprehensible: these two things are fear, on one side, and the power that causes it so it can reign; you see, always,
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