A Tale for Tomorrow

would sometimes feel, without reason or warning, a kind of pressure on my head, right above it; it was almost like a headache, except that it was inexplicably very deeply pleasant, reassuring and puissant, devoid of any violence or insistence, well, it was all of that and much more, but it did not last, it came and made itself felt and then withdrew, or else my attention was drawn away outside; in fact, it was as if instead of my little habitual „me‟, this was a greater „me‟, free and greater above, ever-smiling yet firm and knowing, and it is only much later, after many episodes, that I realised how these moments of pressure had directed me very practically to what would be meaningful and, for instance, it was due to this sort of soft pressure above my head that I stopped by with some friends and met, at a table in an open café, a musician and composer to whom I paid more attention and through whom a whole field of progress opened to me…” As for Amethyst , here is what she tells us: “Since I was very small, at least what I remember of it all, I have a hard time „forming‟ myself, as they say, to become this or that, to acquire this or that quality, such or such feature or characteristic, like one describes a person one thinks one knows and already, in a physical way, I am quite typical, with strong traits, but it was as if one must also dress up inside oneself and select clothes one could no longer change so as to find a place among the others in the world and there is something in me like a refusal, or a distance and I wondered always, what does all this mean, I felt the need to link up with something greater, something that truly is, and needs no approval and no external appraisal, and bit by bit


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